Category : Video

Chin State Trip

This is a quick behind the scenes video from my trip to visit the Mun, Uppu, Ng’hang, Vet, Yindu, Kaang, Daai, and Hiatuii peoples in Chin State, Myanmar.

The Konyaks, India

A short introduction to my time with the Konyak people in India.

Brao, Laos – Video

This is a short introduction to my time with the Brao people in Laos.

Taiwan Trip Video

This is a short introduction to my time in Taiwan with the Atayal and Truku peoples. It was filmed and edited by Marco Tessiore.

Lai Tu Trip Video

This video is a short introduction to my time with the Lai Tu People. It was filmed and edited by Wesley Chang. Pick up your copy of the book here and help me support the Lai Tu.